Graduate student in the Math department at UMass Amherst, working in the Nanoelectronics Theory and Simulation Laboratory under Eric Polizzi.

Currently researching Numerical Eigensolvers for Linear and Non-Linear Eigenproblems, Quaternion Operators and their Spectral properties, and Numerical Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation for Electronic Structure Calculation.


Julien Brenneck, and Eric Polizzi. An Iterative Method for Contour-Based Nonlinear Eigensolvers. (In Review) [arXiv]

A. Dunn, J. Brenneck, and A. Jain. Rocketsled: a software library for optimizing high-throughput computational searches. Journal of Physics: Materials, 2019. [pdf][doi][bib]


Iteration for Contour-Based Nonlinear Eigensolvers (2020) [pdf]
- Given virtually at CERFACS Sparse Days 2020

Iteration for Contour-Based Nonlinear Eigensolvers (2021) [pdf]
- Presented at SIAM Annual Meeting 2021 - Symposium on Computational Methods for Eigenvalue Problems: Theory and Applications


Learning Hyper-Parameters with Bayesian Optimization (2018) [pdf]

Cross-Validation Methodology in Materials Science (2018) [pdf]